Recent Awards

  • Casa Seca + BKO
    Março 2010

  • Secovi - Destaque
    Fornecedor 2006

  • Secovi - Destaque
    Fornecedor 2005

  • Secovi - Primeiro Lugar Top Condomínios 2003

  • Secovi - Segundo Prêmio, Top Condomínios - 2004

  • Tops - Excelência em
    Terceirização 2003

  • Tops - Excelência em
    Terceirização 2002

  • Tops - Excelência em
    Terceirização 2001

  • Construtora InPar - Destaque Segurança no Trabalho - 2001

  • II Prêmio VIAPOL

About Us

Founded in 1983, Casa Seca is much more than the largest provider of Waterproofing EngineeringServices in Brazil.* .
We are very proud to be acknowledged as the best waterproofing company in Brazil.** This position was achieved through the hard work and dedication of our professionals, who are in constant quest for technical improvement, actively participating in seminars, conferences and national and international exhibitions to ensure that they are updated about new materials and technologies for waterproofing services.

The result can be seen in our products and services, all of which are customized, safe, cost-effective and suitable for any type of project, whether renovation or construction, and always in accordance with the technical norms in force.

* As per the Ranking of the Top 500 Engineering Companies in Brazil, published by Contractor Magazine, which specializes in the construction market.

** The IBSTH - Brazilian Institute of Housing Services and Outsourcing gave Casa Seca the TOP-S Award in 2001, 2002 and 2003, as well as the Secovi-SP Award and Top Condos in 2003, 2004 and 2005 in the waterproofing segment.

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